Future declared himself the Astronaut Kid on his 2011 mixtape and continued his galactic journey on Pluto in 2012, but in his upcoming video for the Miley Cyrus- and Mr Hudson-featuring "Real and True," he literally heads to space. After that, the Atlanta-based rapper and producer said that he'll be done with the space theme, once and for all."We went into space and it's about somebody sacrificing their life for love," Future told MTV News of the visuals. "This video is probably one of the most special videos to me, directed by Rankin and featuring Miley Cyrus and Mr Hudson.
"It connected with me and my whole theme that I've been going with, as far as Pluto and my astronaut status, so I feel like I can close that chapter after this video and move on to something else."Future explained that Mike Will Made It sent him the beat for the song, emphasizing that it would be a perfect fit for his upcoming album, especially since it related to his relationship with fiancée Ciara."Personally, I can identify with it, because it's just me being Honest," Future said. "The song is just telling people that sometimes when you get into relationships you have certain mistakes that you've made and your partner might have certain situations that they might've been in, [but it's] just putting all of your differences aside for a better cause.""At the end of every storm is something great waiting," he added. "So Mike Will sent the beat to Mr Hudson, he did the hook and Miley heard the record and she wanted to be a part it. She loved the record instantly and when she first heard the hook she put her vocals over it and sent it to me.""Real and True" will be featured on Future's upcoming sophomore album Honest due in 2014.
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